Time to Go Public, Since I Can’t Work When They Are Cutting Off a Breast

A message I would rather never have to share.

A message I would rather tell anyone who needed to know in person.

A message that I would’ve rather curated with time and a completely clear mind.

A message I have to share today, via text, or social media and a message I just don’t have time to reflect on - messy and raw.

My friends, family and community. With a heavy heart I am writing to tell you I’ll be “off” of work effective immediately for an unknown time. Monday, I received a breast cancer diagnosis that has metastasized into my lymph nodes. I have no idea what any of it means as I’ve hardly processed any of it for myself but they are moving fast with testing.

This “job” has been “my baby” since 2018 when I leapt off the invisible cliff of a 9-5 to start a private practice with the inner pulling and knowing to follow my gut and serve in the way I knew how, the same way that to this day helps me heal alongside my community. When I left work Tuesday it felt like I was leaving my baby on the step of a firehall and walking away.

My “work” has all been such a gift, each and every soul I get to be with, each and every life story I get to hear, each and every hug at the door. I trust that I’ll get to walk through those doors and serve again and that just like my business grew itself when I started, it’ll grow itself again when whatever this storm for me is over.

In my absence, I’ve trained 47 TIR and/or CRISIS®️facilitators. They all know my “baby” and what it means to me. Although time hasn’t allowed me to connect with them fully yet or curate a plan for those in need while I’m recovering I can assure you that these people have stepped up in the past, and they’ll do it again. So far as we are right now I have many of them waiting to serve in our community. They all have such a heart to serve. I love them all so much, and you would too!

Many of you know Kylee. What some of you might not know is that not only is she my daughter, she’s the one person who knows my business in and out. Her little fingers have been creating and helping alongside me as she’s quietly and efficiently managed lots of the day to day workings. My student interns all know, she’s my go to. They’ll figure out what to do so please don’t hesitate to reach out with any needs either by email or text to my phone and it’ll all be monitored. At this time phone calls will not be returned so please do not leave a voice message, it’s just far too time consuming to communicate via phone. Text is always the preferred method to reach us. Very soon we will be doing blog updating but I’ll post here when we get to it.

If you are a client with a booked appointment a personal message will be sent to you so hold tight. Individual options are being sorted on a case by case basis. I just need some more time with this.

I plan to see you all again really soon. Until then, thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me serve and follow my way.

With love and a grateful heart.



Confronting Pain


You Are NOT Your Diagnosis