Catching Up!

Phew, what a week it’s been. I took a little break from writing and lost myself in all that was leading up to my third treatment.

Tuesday was my day with Kalvin. He loves the days he’s with me all day. We walked, got my weekly bloodwork, Starbucks, ate some breakfast together, prepped some dinner and put it in the oven to cook before we headed downstairs to do an online session. After that, he played outside with the door open on his giant trampoline (aka: the pool cover) while I put the food into meal prep containers since everyone is on a different schedule today. This house sometimes feels like it needs one of those spinning doors like at the Hilton. It felt good to contribute to a meal here though, I like cooking and baking and I’ve been mostly leaving that for my crew to handle. I love being in my kitchen, so it was good for me. Then we snuggled up together for a little nap before another client and Kalvins night of puppy learning time. He was such a show boat. He really loves going, and tonight he was happy his daddy got to come with us. It’s really fun for me to watch Mikey with Kalvin. Mikey was really scared of dogs his whole life. When Kalvin and I connected at work and I couldn’t stop thinking about him Mikey was encouraging me to follow my way and get him, even though he was scared of dogs. They have formed such a sweet bond and Mikey is such a good daddy to Kalvin. Then, Kyran and Mikey bathed Kalvin, I baked a banana bread and it was lights out for everyone.

Wednesday was filled with self care and appointments for me. I got to share time with the sweetest little client. He creates crafts for me with his creative little fingers and is always so excited to run through the door to see “Miss Amie” giving me the sweetest hugs. This week before session he wanted to save a worm, then asked me to name it. Too stinking cute. Sessions look a lot different with kids, but we use the same techniques, this little tyke likes to draw me what happened. TIR for kids is really special.

I had some time to talk with my mom after session then headed to my massage and energy work session. It was amazing to relax on the warm table and connect with my body. I love body processes. Having no hair makes leaving a much more pleasant experience because I’m not all fluffed out. So, I’ll take that little hairless win. My hair hasn’t fallen out yet, which is a bit surprising since they told me typically after week two, and most people I meet say it started week one. Most people also say it hurts. I realize in talking to people how difficult head wear has been for them to find and that hurts my heart. I get asked about my hats EVERY time I’m near the cancer clinic, and the stories that follow make me want to walk around with extra hats in my purse. They come in a 4 pack, and they’re not expensive AND everyone deserves a hat that’s soft, fits, doesn’t hurt their head or hair and breathes. Sadly, that’s not the case. It brings me to tears. I’ve met far too many women who are struggling. My favourite hats seem to fit the criteria. I take them off my head and let these ladies touch them and give them the link. They get so excited. Sometimes, it’s hard to get excited about much for some people, especially when in a storm like this and I’m so happy I seem to have found the hat that offers some excitement. I need to order them for my purse. Watching and hearing these stories is upsetting to me. I often walk away from these conversations wondering if they can afford the hats, or if they’ll have to sacrifice something else to get them. If anyone wants to help me execute this, I’d much rather just give them one in that conversation, then I know they have at least one without any barrier. I’ve probably pulled at your heart strings and maybe you want to help me help them too so if you do, here’s a picture of the seemingly perfect hats. I’ll package them cute and ensure they get to the women that show up in my path. They’re on Amazon, so they can even be delivered right to my door for packaging. Doesn’t get much easier and better than that. I can do this alone, and I’m not one who is great at “asking for help” but, this isn’t for me and as I was typing I thought “over 800 people read this blog almost every day if we worked together this problem could be fully addressed every Thursday for 21 more weeks! How does it get any better than that?”

Craig sees me. He somehow seems to get how I think, which sometimes scares me for him. 🤪 When he hears or reads about my hat spreading idea he won’t be surprised. My life is so much better with him in my corner.

Sorry, I got a little sidetracked with the hat spreading idea… and now I’m future tripping about spreading hats!

Where was I? Wednesday…. back to the city after my relaxing time for my ear cleaning appointment. Then over to Valero Wellness for my appointment with the Naturopath. Did you know some naturopaths also do special training in naturopathic oncology? Well now you do, and now I do too. This crunchy girl liked everything I heard and all of my questions were answered. I have some more supplements to take to go along with the ones I was already doing and my IV Vitamin therapy starts next week. Getting a bag of things from an Apothecary rather than the offerings of big pharma also aligns more with my views and makes my body feel like I’m not totally abandoning us. I’m not bashing anything here, I just see the world from my own lens. Just like you, and we all have the right to choose what feels best for us. A lot goes into these choices, it’s not just black and white. Only you know what that best choice is for you, and when you follow it life feels in alignment. When you don’t follow it, you’ll surely feel that too. TIR helps me to stay true to me. Following my way, unapologetically is fun. No one can do it except me after all, since no one else lives as me. Thanks for hanging out with me as I journey this path!

I finished Wednesday with a pedicure. My cuticles felt bruised. Does everyone esthetician hug them? It’s really nice! Just saying. Hugs are nice. I have lots of them if you ever need one. Only I don’t give one. It’s two or it’s not even. 💗💗

I came home to such a special little gift from my cousin Jaz. A hug for my pocket. Isn’t that the cutest?! I wish Amazon could send her some of my homemade cookies. 🍪

Thursday, Anne picked me up when it was still dark. Early week for chemo. Kalvin got to go play with my dear friend Margaret and her super sweet Lucy. He was zonked when he got home and he loves playing with other dogs! Mikey thinks we should get him a puppy. I think Mikey might be crazy. I also think the possibility of us ending up with several hundred Australian Labradoodle puppies is possible, since every puppy would need their own puppy eventually, right? So, for now one puppy with lots of puppy friends it is.

Warm blankets as we settle in to treatment three. The steroids (yuk!) gave me the worst deepest feeling heartburn which I had all night. Gross.

Kalvin also got to walk with Lucy and Margaret. I love this for him. My friends are the best!

My cousins are the best too! Remember the matching shirts they wear on Thursday? This week was my fave so far! They send me pictures of them on Thursdays - my cousin cheering squad. It’s so special! 💗💗

Renee was quick to admit she might’ve made the oops and I was laughing from my bed. They’re so cute and bring fun to my treatment days. They bring fun to most of my days, I’m so thankful for the connection. This shirt blunder is absolutely how we show up for each other. No filters needed. Truth talking friendship and cousin connection like no other. I needed the good energy and the hearts. The heartburn needs good energy! You delivered both today! And, you all thought you were tired, confused messes. Way to deliver guys!

Today was good! Detox bath before bed as I listened to a Triple Negative Breast Cancer Thriver Thursday meeting with Kylee. You just never know what someone is doing when they’re on a zoom with the camera off. I’ll leave you with that! Make it a great weekend! xox


Friday Fallout


Uncovery vs. Recovery