February 8th - Creative Caption, Right?

Coming at you tonight with my final update before the INVASION. Please insert some creepy music of your choosing. I would attempt it, but I’m not sure if this platform has the option and quite frankly sleep is probably more important. Fricknuggets, I’m so unhappy about the invasion. I’ve processed what I can and tomorrow is the date so I’m going to frost my own turd on this one and decorate it with sprinkles. The perfectly created and safe port is going to be welcomed into my body tomorrow with ease and be granted my permission to stay there to serve the greatest good for this cancer to make its way out of my body. It will be a friend for me, and it will help me filter any of the medications that are placed there in the months to come. I will invite it to be a temporary part of me with the understanding that when it’s job is done it will be taken out as gracefully as it was inserted.

I accomplished what feels like a million things today. And, I showered 3 times, ate 3 meals and had Starbucks 3 times. I also saw 3 clients and walked 3 hours. Kalvin and I went for 2 walks. Our usual morning walk and then we met Sara, my newest TIR student and walked two hours on the trail with the sun hitting our face. It was perfect! I also can see I gained a freckle or two. It was so nice out and the conversation was wacky, weird and wonderful, just like we like it.

We have Kalvins neutering booked, and his onesies ordered, we have a schedule for February, we have a list, the first delivery of head covers has arrived, the getting ahead of my hair day is booked and sorted and my nightstand is empty for the first time in a few weeks. Plus, I drank water and got the source nailed for Turkey tail mushrooms and high dose vitamin C infusions and ordered an alkaline water bottle. A pedicure is booked, cleared my phone of unanswered texts and made a meal plan and grocery list. I might have a manager part or two but I love her. I also love my personal assistant and all of my friends who are offering help. I’m so glad I’ve learned to accept help. I was 39 when I got this message and I might’ve been kicking and screaming but when I got it, I got it. I am a helper, I love to help others and they love to help me. I’m really glad I don’t have to carry these heavy things alone.

My friends Heather and Anne sent me a gift of money to find some fun hair beanies and threatened me that if I didn’t take it they would order them for me. They don’t think black, white and grey are colours so I best just thank them and move on. They do so much for me, always. They also threaten me and convince me to …. oh I don’t even want to admit this one….. wear a dork pouch. In public. When the sun is out. Kalvin thinks they are so cool. I do too. I wonder if he will still think they’re the coolest dorks he knows after they take him to get his balls cut off. If you are lucky enough to have friends who offer to take your dog to get this done or carry your dog poop bags for you count yourself one super blessed human!

I also got some other super exciting news today. a lot of sprinkles on my turd today for reals. My friend Adrienne is coming home from Alberta to visit me next week. These are my people who don’t hesitate to get on planes to come see me. My whole heart is mushy that I get to have these kinds of amazing people for my friends. I cherish every moment. Now, more than ever.

So many sprinkles! My cousin Renee sent me a package. This brings back my little kid excitement when we used to mail letters to each other after she moved away. I can’t wait to wear it!

Isn’t the shirt FUN! I think I should try to get the 800 number. Having a bad day? Call 1-800 GOOD ENERGY like … c’mon the last thing I want is for someone to read the shirt and call and get some robot saying “the number you have reached is not in service, please try your call again” That would be a waste of a cool idea, 🩵

Renee and I have been twinning since childhood. We show up to family events with the same clothes, vehicles and ideas having no idea the other one has whatever it is. As kids we had the same dolls that we called Pinky and she shared hers with me when mine was lost in my parents separation. It’s one of those core memories of mine that I hold close in my heart. We might live miles apart, but she is always with me. I know the McDonald's shake I bought in the middle of the night last week has her alarms sounding off. She came driving down with no notice the last time I went to McDonalds in 2012 and started cooking for the kids and I and then told the kids when she left a week later: “if mom gives you chicken nuggets call me and I’ll be back in 5 hours tops”. The bond is tight and the parallels are uncanny. We are a couple months apart in age and have always been a part of each others everything.

Younger us. And the same shirts, unplanned. Always.

Our 5 month apart little apples didn’t fall too far from the trees either. Cute eh?!!


Penelope and the Port


Hump Day is Every Day for Kalvin