Following My Way

I’ve been riding the wave. And, I’ve missed writing to you. Life over in Amie land has been high vibing goodness. The time off from treatments gave me time to feel like myself, and it’s been such a gift.

Monday and Tuesday was spent teaching Traumatic Incident Reduction. When I’m with a group of people watching them get excited about the content they’re learning I am full of life. These students just showed up for me at such a perfect time. Training weeks are an experience far beyond the manual. The love and connectedness we share is felt deep, it’s hard to explain yet it happens every training. We create this small and intimate container of space where healing happens and we walk away with new skills and friends. The vibe I feel buzzing through me in this space is my reminder I’m right where I’m meant to be. I had a student compliment my teaching ability, which always feels nice but this time was different. I was more accepting of the compliment. Compliments usually cause at least some discomfort in me. I spent a lot of my life feeling not smart enough. When I look at all the things I’ve accomplished in business, life and as it relates to my personal and professional growth in the subject of trauma, I AM smart enough. School as a child wasn’t that interesting to me. I felt squashed in that environment, and bored. Very bored. As an adult, getting to choose what I am interested has turned me into a forever student. And my teachers are always ready when I am. I’m so thankful for the times I get to be that teacher for students who are ready. And I’m so grateful these students were ready during this time. I hope I can convey to them how much our time so far has helped me on my own journey. Just being in that setting with them has my whole body humming and we get to continue next week!

Tuesday night I got to share time with my friend Carly over at Thrive Live Blood Microscopy for a foot detox. Doing everything I can to keep my body knowing it’s loved as we navigate this part of our story.

Wednesday I got to work with clients 1:1. I am so thankful that work never feels like work. I’m so thankful that I get to wake up and go to do something I love. I’m so thankful that cancer hasn’t taken that from me. Do I need naps? Yes. Do I need breaks in the day? Yes. Do I need to be mindful of how much I take on? Yes. Do I need to fill that part of my purpose and go do what I love, even if technically it’s “working”? YES! Yes! YES!

Do you wake up excited to go to work? If your job doesn’t ignite that spark consider learning something new. It’s never too late in life to shine and sparkle, my friend. Follow your way and you’ll find it, just keep following and listening to the things that interest you and give you more sparkle to look forward to.

Some other fun things that filled the week… coffee dates, a walk through winners, my session with Craig, talks with friends, cuddles with Kalvin. Every day I think I can’t possibly love him more, then every new day I find myself loving him more. He’s one cool Kalvin.

Thursday is coming …. and I have no idea what it brings. I feel more mentally prepared to handle whatever it is but for now, I’ll enjoy the moments left in Wednesday 💗. No sense in worrying over tomorrow when you have today to enjoy. One day at a time. xox


Treatment Six


A Weekend Off