Getting aHEAD of My Hair
Today I woke up with hair and now, I’m bald. I think I went in to this hair cutting event thinking I’d come out a different person or some crazy s$!@ like that. As soon as my hair was gone and I cracked my first joke I felt a flood of energy surge through my body and thought “here I am” nothing changed, except my hair.
Shower downloads are worth listening to. Today was epic. It was exactly what my shower download showed me it would be.
Kylee and I went for pedicures in the morning. I chose pink with sprinkles. The lady gave me a wonky toe trimming and told me I cut it like that at home. I don’t cut my own toe nails at home but I forgave her and it gave my friends something to laugh about at Starbucks later so hey, thanks scissorhands for whatever that was.
We pulled in to my hair salon feeling overwhelmed. I could see my friends cars and it felt like the clock had reached the end of my life. I know that sounds dramatic as heck but, really … it was like I was walking in to my own death. Shaving off my identity. Definite ego death. As we waited outside hugging my loved ones that came to this funeral for me my chest was pounding in anticipation.
Just like any regular haircut, first we wash. There is nothing better than a head massage and the hot water at the sink. It’s always been one of my favourite parts of haircuts. Typically, I doze off - today, I’m wound for sound.
This was after cut #1 - Sarmad, my hairdresser said “I want to give you one last cut of your regular style first”
As I settled in to his chair, I felt safe behind the care of his scissors just like I always do. Sarmad has been cutting my hair for 11 years, and he’s not given me one bad cut.
The salon was quiet, even though filled with my people. I felt even more uncomfortable with the silence because I knew my people must’ve felt like I was dying too. I could see and hear some tears, and my own angst was lessening. Let’s have some fun with this!
Janelle, my friend, my photographer, my lip waxer… as always, she captured the memory of today in the most magical way and had fun with me along the way!
As Sarmad kept cutting the emotions in the room shifted with each shorter style. Sometimes we were laughing, sometimes we were crying, sometimes we were laughing and crying at the same time.
Please ….someone offer to figure out what it would take to get this 800 number…. Renee, Ashley and I will be advertising it in the “matching shirt club” and I’ll be super sad if someone calls and nothing good happens. I need the number. Maybe, we can start a hotline … I have trained a lot of people who would know what to do with the calls. It’s a stellar idea.
We ate cookies and brownies and drank some tears as Sarmad executed my first ever Mohawk. I liked it. Friend voting came out ahead and I think I’ll have a Mohawk when I grow hair again. It was pretty fun, and I’m nothing if not fun.
This is what it looked like from Alberta’s angle! Adrienne was right beside me!
Sarmad was having fun too as the hair kept sliding down my cape on to the floor. It was a perfect day. I think he did 4 cuts In total before I knew the time had come that we had reached the final stage. I felt like a total badass and I looked like one too. As Sarmad said “is it okay if I take the top off now Amie?” A flood of emotion, another surge of strength and we did it!
But, wait ….. there’s more! I tried to stop them but. “People need to make their own decisions”
I actually wanted to be a hairdresser. Maybe I’ll do that, I mean why not?! Sarmad let me play with his clippers as Mikey joined me in the bald club. Apparently, I have a nice shaped head … I didn’t hear anyone tell Mikey the same but I think he looks cute and I keep asking him if his head is cold too. Mine is freezing!
He said he’s keeping the A forever. It’s kinda cute. I have an A too but it’s hard to see since my bald is lighter than Mikey’s.
Vanessa wanted it all bald too and she would do it in a hot minute but I’m soooo glad she ate the common sense cookie I offered her because it’s cold being bald. She’s rocking the steps!
Starbucks finally and cousin time before bed!
To all of you who stood next to me today. To all of you who knew and sent me love from wherever you were THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Thank YOU! Nothing has changed, I’m still the same. Nothing has changed, I still love you. Nothing has changed, except my worry. My shirt said: “worry less. Love more” My worry changed, it’s gone and I love more. Each and every one of you and you, my reader. I love you. I love you more! Always!
Sarmad 💗 thanks for another great cut, as always- you nailed it! I love you to bits!
Warm and cozy with my little man! 💗 Night, friends. xox