I Love You!

In the last couple days I’ve been busy trying to wrap loose ends up to be mentally and physically ready for today.

Best part: My friend came home from Alberta to share some time with me! Sitting in Starbucks with her for a couple hours last night made it seem like all of this was temporarily gone away. And, I liked it. Denying the existence of reality isn’t usually my jam and, It’s been really hard to feel normal in the chaos of this experience. I’ll give myself grace. I’m putting out all the positive vibes that I feel good over the weekend so I can play games and drink lots of Starbucks with Adrienne!

After an early morning walk with Kalvin, Heather, Anne and Ziggy and Jordi and forcing down some cinnamon toast we are here and meds are going in.

I miss Kalvin already, but I’ve got the next best thing. My stuffy that looks like him! Mikey is with me and he and Adrienne will change places at some point today. I’ll update again as soon as I feel up to it! It might be a hot minute since I don’t typically handle meds well and they’re giving me Benadryl so I probably won’t make a tonne of sense but I’ll be back! Love and lots of hugs to each of you! xoxox


Day One Done


Being Bald is Cold