Skip-Bo and Starbucks, Say What?

After that, it was Starbucks time and Adrienne, Kylee and I played Skip-Bo and talked about weird things for hours. I had some egg bites because my stomach was getting this queasy feeling. It didn’t help and once home the queasy feeling continued. It was mild, yet noticeable and I could contribute it to a lot of things. Alkaline water? An over abundance of honey, lemon, ginger in hot water? Yesterday? Either way, dinner seemed frightening. I do not like throwing up. When I was pregnant with Kyran I threw up non stop for 9 months. I still recall the foods that taste ok coming back up and the ones that don’t.

I decided on a bath and Mikey made some plain sweet potatoes with the massive dinner he created. I got in some sweet potatoes and green and yellow beans and then it was lights out. The kids went to the store to get me some ginger gravol but when they arrived home I was already asleep so I managed to avoid that. While I was waiting for the gravol I slathered some peppermint oil on my bloated belly and it must’ve helped because I didn’t even hear the kids come home. The last time I took gravol I slept for 2 days. I hate the feeling of me on gravol. So peppermint oil for the win. Maybe things have changed since I last had gravol and it’ll be okay but, thankfully I can save that for another day. I was okay Thursday with all that foreign stuff. This is the first time I can remember that medication didn’t flatten me. It’s a confusing feeling. I can at this point only contribute it to Penelope helping me take only what I needed. I’m really thankful for Penelope. And I’m really thankful I had functioning Friday instead of flattened Friday.


Soup, Sleep, and Sickies


Day One Done