Happy New Year! It’s 2024!
I am on my way to the pancake-this-boob test and the ultrasound. I should ask my friend Adrienne if she’s ever found a dog toy in a breast when she’s working as an ultrasound guru.
I run into a lovely soul, Linda, on my way in to these tests. She hugs me in her warm embrace and I’m thankful for her energy.
They do the tests and before I get to leave, they book me the next day for a biopsy. Cool, they want some strands of the dog rope toy.
Biopsy Day
Click, click, click. Can I get some colour? 12 samples from the lump and 1 from the lymph. Markers inserted. Back over to the pancake press. Lovely, lovely humans. Dr. Cervini is so gentle and kind.
Dear Amie,
Why is your Christmas tree still up in January? Amie boxes that shit up on Boxing Day. But, this year Amie is tired. It’s okay, Amie, take a rest. Christmas trees now also remind me of my ultrasound guru who told me what colour is about on images. I was lit up like a Christmas tree. A black and white tree with red and blue lights. It’ll be okay, Amie.
Love, yourself.