Diarrhea at Chick-fil-a
We don’t support eating homophobic chicken, and Kalvin had “post puppy school diarrhea” as we made our way to his appointment at Brack Animal Hospital. So what better place to take care of that for him than the grass at Chick-fil-A? Or, maybe he knew where he was going… if I had balls and that was about to happen I’d probably have diarrhea too.
Kylee and I left Kalvin in the capable hands of all the puppy whisperers at Brack and headed for a walk with Heather and Ziggy & Jordi. I had a craving for a breakfast sandwich so we did our best to take care of that. In the moment my craving was too strong and so it overrode the knowing that Anne would be sad because she is out of town and breakfast out is her favourite. So, like the small and petty jerks we can be, we sent her a picture.
I miss her terribly but I know she’s having a nice visit with her brother and we have texts, FaceTime, and breakfast out in our near future. I owe her. Heather too, since she tried to break a window so she could pay the bill. My friends are the best, we can create laughs and fun just about anywhere. It lightens my days and brightens my heart. I’m very blessed.
Kylee and I stocked up on lozenges and the cutest puke pail available since treatment two happens tomorrow, and puking is bad enough, so a cute pail might help. I mean, it’s worth a try, right?
Kylee and Heather headed back to the city to pick up Kalvin. He’s doing just fine, and cute as ever. His little recovery suit reminds me of little kid pj’s.
I got to see 3 clients today! I’m feeling like myself AND dreading treatment two a little. But, here we are. Diarrhea doesn’t last forever. Puking doesn’t last forever. Post-surgery side effects don’t last forever. Chemo won’t last forever. But, good friends and fun times are here to stay. So I laugh at the diarrhea days and the fact that Kalvin hopefully lost his hump on hump day.