Treatment Two
Mikey took the day off for treatment two and sat at the end of my bed as I drifted to sleep. I meet some lovely people at the Cancer clinic. When I was there on Tuesday for my doctors visit and stitches removal, I met a sweetie named Mary. She loved my hat, and we had a little conversation and exchanged some connection. She was so excited to see me again and let me know her matching hats to mine will arrive tomorrow. This breast cancer is a recurrence for Mary and she’s still making the most out of it. She’s still sparkling. And, I can’t wait to see her next Thursday in our matching hats.
My nurse today was really fun. She gave me two new beanies. She was also quite impressed by me dressing for the occasion and bringing my charcuterie. She says “I’ve never seen anyone come in here so prepared. You are so cute!” Thank you. Thank you very much. I have no problems shopping, and prepared is a badge of honour I wear around. No, really - this sucks enough… AND so these are the little things I can do to make these times the most comfortable for me they can be. So I feel like me. And, it does help. I have my knitted blanket, my Kalvin stuffy, my bathroom slippers, my oils, my charcuterie snack, all my favourite extra drinks, lotion for my feet, a cute shirt and hat, and of course, Starbucks. I set up my little area and settle in for the treatment.
After treatment, we went to Costco. I lost the list. Who’s prepared now, nurse Debbie? Going to Costco without a list is dangerous.
Time to move my body. The tingling is back in my feet. Nice 5k, fast paced walk with Heather and no dogs. It was strange, but not having to stop to sniff poles also made for a much more intense walk and that was exactly what my body needed.
Mikey went and got groceries after I remade a list while the kids and I made dinner. It’s been awhile since I’ve cooked totally on the fly like that with not even a recipe in my head. Just totally winging it. It was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S! Re-creating it never is the same. After family dinner and cuddles on the couch, I took a detox bath. While I sat in the hot, oil infused water, I did my own rather funny version of unfinished business, a technique I use with clients, only I was my own facilitator. As I communicated with that mass of trauma they call a tumour, I had some pretty epic insights. Next time I do this, I’m taking in a washable marker to jot notes on the bathtub walls. As I sat talking to my body, letting the water ground me and detox whatever I don’t need, I drank a whack of ice cold alkaline water. I’ve been avoiding Wim-Hof for years. I don’t like being cold. Cold plunge is not my thing. After this bath, the urge to cool my body was so strong. So get this, the girl who hates to be cold took a solid 5 min ICE cold shower to wash all the detox bath off of me and it felt amazing!!!! As I was rinsing out the shower and bath to get out, I felt like I could handle some more cold water, so I did it again for about 2 more minutes—even on my head!!!!!!! After I got out, I was texting with Adrienne and Vanessa and then suddenly I was… let’s just say it was my turn to Chick-fil-A. Then back in the shower. I then rubbed a meditation blend of Frankincense, Bergamot and Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood all over myself and tucked myself in to listen to some binaural beats and fall off into dream land.