It’s Friday

Last night I crashed so hard I didn’t hear a thing going on around me. I didn’t hear Mikey come back after filling my Jeep with gas, I didn’t hear the dishwasher get emptied, the laundry get done or Mikey cutting up the meat he had been slow cooking for Kalvin. Mikey was up making coffee in the middle of the night. Kalvin was up with him. Having Kalvin is really special. He is helping our family so much. Mikey is stressed, but he won’t tell me. I’m so glad he has his friends to talk to. They’re always calling him or sending video messages. Even offering to watch Kalvin for us. Mikey cooked an amazing dinner last night. Baked potatoes with cottage cheese, haloom cheese, bbq steak and a greek salad. The dressing tasted weird and that really threw me off, because the dressing wasn’t weird and I love Greek salad. For whatever reason, food is not appetizing these days. It all seems forced.

In the middle of the night, when I woke up sweating, Mikey gave me my essential oil treatment. I was so out of it last night he left me to sleep. Each night I get:

Thyme which enhances relaxation;

Basil known for being both calming and refreshing;

Peppermint which provides a renewed feeling of vigour;

Oregano which is warming and provides comfort;

Wintergreen with its sweet minty scent and soothing properties;

Cypress which restores and promotes grounding;

Marjoram, known to promote relaxation.

Valor with its uplifting and affirming scent;

Aroma Seize ™️ with Lavender and Peppermint, has relaxing properties.

I also get Frankincense which reduces brain “noise,” while enhancing calmness, allowing the brain to better use its own innate abilities for learning and decision making. This oil may also help me with cancer, healing, inflammation, jaundice, laryngitis, meningitis, nervousness, spiritual awareness, stress, and tension. It may also help oxygenate the pineal and pituitary glands. It increases the activity of leukocytes in defense of the body against infection. Frankincense may also help one have a better attitude, which may help to strengthen the immune system.

Stress Away and some Peace and Calming—I mean, do I need to actually explain these?

It feels really nice, and smells really good too.

Kalvin and I had our walk with Anne this morning. You know your friends love you when they’ll brave the rain for a walk with you!

Kylee and Kalvin and I had a good day! We bought Kalvin another cute coat because his coats need washing every day in this mucky Ontario weather. Then we had a sushi date and cuddles and a nap.

Once the boys were home from work and Mikey got groceries, we had family dinner and more cuddles.

I am experiencing more pain today than the last couple days and my lymph nodes are swollen again. I can feel the rope again and my breast is hard and painful. It all feels like it’s taking forever.

I’m heading in for my oils again now with Mikey and tomorrow is a new day!

I love you, friends! Thanks for being here 💗




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