Shower Downloads

I was talking to my friend Justin about clearing my energy and my shower downloads. I’ve known for a very long time that the shower is my way to clear my energy and the space around me. My bio-suit loves nothing more than a hot shower and I go there often to clear my head. I’m not sure I would be able to have an office without a shower because it’s not uncommon for me to hose down between clients either.

People think it’s weird. People have told me I have OCD. You know what I have to say about that? Thank you. I love it.

Justin instantly just got the shower downloads thing. Or, he thinks I’m weird and didn’t want to tell me. I could see the sparkle in his eye as he told me he gets them too. Now I wonder if it’s a “creative people thing” or maybe the rest of the people are weird and Justin and I aren’t. I told him how when I lived alone I had a dry erase marker in the shower for ideas because the ideas come so fast.

I’ve had a lot of shower downloads lately. Shower downloads remind me of end Points. End points are the time in a TIR session when there is some sort of clarity, realization, or insight. Something is now in your sight that wasn’t before. Basically, I get smarter in the shower and in session.

I think that might be why Kalvin lays outside the shower waiting for me every time I go in. He’s waiting to see if I’ve come up with anything good and how it involves him.

I know he can read my mind and energy and he never thinks I’m weird.

I’ve been struggling with the idea of chemo. I’m not a fan of medicine. Regardless, I know I’m a cardinal point for a lot of people. Meaning they really care about me and their world would change without me in it. So, I’m going to do it but it’ll have to be my way. I’ll be talking to the Chemo and making friends with it - letting it know that I own my body not cancer and telling it how to work with me, taking only what is required. And then I’ll fill my body and space with all the things that align with me.

“Follow your way and you’ll find it.”

— Amie Elias

I can feel the mass growing and I’ve also been struggling with the unwanted feeling of an invasion. There is a lot connected to “invasions” for me and the trauma counsellor in me can’t help but wonder if there is more beneath the awareness threshold for me. I guess I’ll find out, because I’m here for it. Me, and all my weirdness are here confronting the undesired house guest who didn’t read the pillow. I will follow my way, I will keep turning inwards, I can find anything there. I just have to look. I love TIR and I’m so thankful I have it, now more than ever!


It’s Friday


January 24, 2024