Springing Free!

It’s been a wild ride and I’ve had so much love, so many capable hands caring for me when I couldn’t and so much to be thankful for.

🩵 Kalvin - thank you for being a good boy … I know it was hard.

🩷 Kylee- thank you for the FaceTimes, the bed sits, helping the boys and being someone for Kalvin to follow when I wasn’t home. For packing all of my clothes and for being my lime in the coconut.

❤️ Kyran- thank you for your extra long hugs, holding my hand and being my late night singing sub delivery visitor. Thank you for keeping the house in order and for always being the son I can pound jokes off with. Every mommy loves Kyrinnie

🩵 Mikey - thank you for being my partner. For always making sure I have everything the kids and I need and for always being a phone call away. Nobody in our family “fights cancer” alone and I know it’s not been easy but you never get down, you just keep moving beside me.

🩷 Heather and Anne- thank you for being my always friends that choose day after day to stand by me in every aspect of life and never waiver. Some people never experience friendship like this and I am forever grateful for our “loser-ship”

🩷 Vanessa- thank you for holding me in ICU and facilitating my tears. Thank you for always holding me in friendship and being my cheese partner

🩵🩷 Jaedy and Amanda- thank you for being there for Mikey and I in ways you may never know impact us. Your generous and thoughtful ways of being are abundantly appreciated. Knowing Mikey has you right at the tip of his fingers throughout his day as your friendship grows into something so beautiful makes my heart so thankful and happy for you both. I see you.

🩷 Margaret- my support squad, always cheering me on, sending me strength and being in my corner. I love you. Thanks for helping me when I thought my hand was going to explode all over that plastic ICU tent 🤪

❤️ Mom and Victor - thank you for the visit and prayers, for keeping family texts updated and sending in the contraband.

💜 Patti- your daily inspiration and love always makes my smile brighter. Each text you send gives me that feeling a mocha Frappuccino gives you. Nothing better.

🩷 my TIR family. You are all so loved, and there is nothing “dysfenshwey” about us. We have big things to BE! I love you each!

🩷🩷 Renee and Ash- that FaceTime during the code blue was at perfect timing for me. Cousin love and laughter for the win. Get with it Bakhous.

💜Family, friends, clients, “followers” your messages, your comments, your texts your love - I feel it all. It gave me so much strength when the lights would go out and I couldn’t sleep. Thank you.

🩵 Craig- thank you for listening to me every week so in a crisis I not only survive but thrive. According to my ICU nurses I was doing things they don’t see patients capable of in the ICU. Say it ain’t so. My world is so much better because of my time with you in session and friendship. You are one powerful blend of goodness in my world!

Now to the people in the scrubs. The life savers, the caretakers and the fever breakers. My experience has been overwhelming being cared for by all of you. Coming in here, I had a strong distaste for most things in any way related to medical interventions, medications and well quite frankly anyone taking control over my life. But, when you come close to life being over something changes. I’ll never remember all of your names. I think a million people work here. And they have all helped me in the last 6 days. The EMS team that got me out from the 7 blankets and to the city with nothing but compassion and love. You two are top tier beautiful humans. Matt, the nurse who let me pee when I still didn’t want to be here. The doctors in the ER who responded quickly, each nurse who calmly and carefully did what they do best. Dr Wasserman, the gentle and highly compassionate soul who held my hand, kept me safe and knew exactly what to do to save my life. Your patient care and gentleness along with your knowledge makes you the best doctor I’ve ever come across. It makes me like doctors again and I never thought that would happen. Tara in the grey sweater with the warm wipes who held me, nurse Michelle, Lauren, Kayla and Heidi. Keri the nurse practitioner on all the shirts for knowing how to get Kalvin in to the ICU. You nurses all did so many things for me. Knowing you were always right outside my door watching me and keeping me safe, doing anything that needed to be done and providing so much love to me. You were born to nurse. Dr Fiorini in ICU and Dr Nasser and Dr Khan the Oncologists you all were extra special and so very kind. Thank you for the explanations, the gentle touches and the deep passion for your work. Nurses Lorie, Mackenzie and Abi and the young student nurse who it’s totally getting a dog because of me I feel so blessed to have met you and shared talks and truths. Thank you to the blood doner who I will never know. Thank you for helping me continue to live because I have lots I still want to do earth bound and without the interventions that began June 27 that didn’t look good for me, you helped me turn that ship around and I am home now with many thanks for you!

For anyone I missed I promise it wasn’t intentional, I thank you, thank you, thank you. And I love, love, love you all.


I Talk About Turds.


Room 4321: Day 2