Room 4321: Day 2
I was expecting to go home. Not because I was pushing this time, but because that’s what they told me.
Nothing happened, everything is stable. The lumpectomy site has leaked a few times over the last 24 hours which gets a bit messy. But, my boob feels perkier than when I was a teen. One side anyways. I used to have lopsided hair, this weeks it’s boobs. Take what you can get is how I’m jamming right now. All kidding aside, Dr Nasser said the leak is normal and is just taking longer to heal because of the severe trauma my body has been through.
I had a lovely morning with Anne, as she sat on my bed talking with me as I continued to be poked and prodded by the revolving door of doctors and nurses. After a solid 20 of them determined I was doing good, they mostly left us alone to laugh about random things. I love my friends, I am very blessed to have so many people who care so deeply for me.
After lunch Kylee came and it was more of the same bed sharing laughter. I love that my 19 year old can sit or lay in bed with me for 6 hours and not want to leave. We had dinner together and went for a little stroll in the fresh air before she left. The funniest part of our visit was when she called to order my food and had no idea how to use a landline phone. I felt so freaking old. So she picks up the phone and dials the number. Only she doesn’t turn the phone on. So nothing is happening. Then after she says “radio silence” I realize she hasn’t pressed talk. We both laugh as she comments on how weird landline phones are. Then she gets a busy signal. She looks back at me and says it’s going beep beep beep. I’m like oh that’s the busy signal. She looks confused but I’m still totally not getting how archaic a landline is to her. So she’s sitting there listening to the busy signal when I realize what’s going on. I say it’s like your cell when user is busy and you have to hang up and call back. We both start laughing and I hope this memory gets etched in both of our minds forever.
As we sang silly songs and snuggled in my bed all was right in my world.
Smiley Kylee, may you never lose sight of your quirky adorable ways. We have so many lime in the coconut days to shake all up in the coming weeks! 🥥